Thursday, February 26, 2009

50 Images Assignment.

. I am heavily influenced by the female body, and females in general. This picture has two ladies bearing body paint, a form of art I find interesting.

. I enjoy this image due to the humor involved, it shows Che being totally hyped about his own shirt. I enjoy pieces that have some sort of humor involved.

. I like this image because I find it very ironic due to the toy war machines. I usually think of them as being built as instruments of war not toys for children.

.I like this because of the message it sends about humanities actions. I think this has a clear purpose, as if the artist was trying to evoke a specific emotion from the audience.

. I like this piece because it is left up to the audience to interpret it for themselves. This could mean a lot of different things to many different people. I think Obama is over-rated, I voted for him but now feel like we need to move on from all the Obama hype.

. I like sculptures and find woodwork interesting medium, and I find animals to be to be intruguing.

. This vehicle is meant to to comment on the practice of deporting refugees and immigrants living illegally in Germany. I like art that was made for a certain purpose, making this entirely more meaningful.

. I like this because of the overall composition, and the different colors used. I would like to be able to sculpt like this one day.

. I really enjoy this because of the illusion that is created. Your eyes are tricked into wanting to think that the waterfall actual falls.

. I like this for the same reason as the last one, but this one has more of a fantasy feel to it, which I enjoy a lot.

. This is a detail of a drawing of robots from major corporations doing battle. I like the line variety and the effectiveness of every line.

. This has a very clear message, and any art that comments on social issues of our time I believe is powerful art.

.I like the retro feel to this image, and I also like robots very much.

. This is an octopus made entirely out of tuna cans, I enjoy making art using unconventional materials.

. This is a cellphone piano, enabling the piano to play cellphone sounds and making it so that you can dial out by pressing only piano keys. This may seem pointless, but it is still awesome.

. I am not a big supporter of the war we are in, or of wars in general, so this image is interesting due to the flowers coming out of the barrels of the guns. I think this speaks a lot for peace.

. The artist who made this used a sewing machine to almost "draw" the image onto the cloth. I respect the level of skill and also find this piece visually pleasing.

. This is a replica of the atomic bomb dropped on Iwo Jima. I like inflatable art very much.

. This piece is meant to comment on Israel's occupation of the gaza strip, the message is clear in this piece, that is why I like it so much.

. I also enjoy practical art, or art meant to solve problems. This is a perfect example of just that, it is a cart that stores energy if you push it. This would be very practical for say a bum.

. Yet another piece with an embedded message, this really speaks to me because of the originality of the artist.

. Ancient Asian art is very inspiring to me. I like the unique look of this style, and think that it renders nature beautifully.

. People influence me everyday, negative and positive. But I love humanity and just how diverse we all are.

. I enjoy how the artist has reinvented the apple numerous times, without making me tired of looking at apples. I also like the pop art feel of it.

. I like the implied motion of this sculpture. I cant tell if they are running away from something or towards it, but this piece capture the intensity of their actions.

. I like this piece because of the stark contrast of the black and white, also due to the bizarre human form.

. I enjoy how the artist has depicted many walks of like all in the same place, this definitely makes me think of a city atmosphere.

. I enjoy the look and poses of the people, and also the contrasting wrinkles in the flag, this piece has an amazing composition.

. I am developing my charcoal skills and this piece is very simple yet detailed.

. This piece reminds me of richmond and how many people have it worse than I do. I dont take comfort in that, but it does keep me more modest.

. This piece is a classic American icon made entirely out of legos, and I enjoy the meticulous complexity as well as the patriotic symbolism.

. Being a huge Star Wars geek I love pretty much anything Star Wars, but I also like this because of artist's mix of popculture, rendering a completely unique and enticing look.

. I am a big Warhol fan, but I especially like this piece due to the simplistic design and the use of analogous colors.

. This is also a classic American icon made entirely out of legos, but i enjoy how the artist has blended this piece of americana with the classic Star Wars.

. Another piece that references Star Wars, but also manages to give a modern take on Darth Vader's helmet.

. This work by Francis Bacon is engaging because of the apparent freedom, but also deliberateness of every brush stroke. He manages to give this figure a very intense emotion while only showing us half a face.

. This one is very bizzare and that is what I enjoy the most about it. There is no logic to this piece but instead seems to come from the artist's mind entirely.

. I like the personification of the mokeys in this one, humans are most closely related to primates and in this they seem very human-like, perhaps due to the shackles. I also like how the artist rendered his objects in an almost "pathetic demeanor" from being locked up.

. This peice is awesome due to the massive scale, and use of pyrotechnics. I love making art that forces viewers to look up, and I also love fire, and this manages to mix the two.

. I enjoy this sculptors style. All these pieces are menacing and futuristic. I strive for this style in some of my sculptures but haven't been able to pull it off as effectively as him.

. Spiderman has been one of my favorite superheroes from childhood, and I enjoy what he stands for especially in these modern times. "With great power, comes great responsibility," this quote has made me think about my actions and become more responsible in my life, and as an artist I feel that I have power with my work, and strive to make them have a 'responsible message'.

.I really enjoy Radiohead, from their music to their artwork. Their music has the power to affect my mood and their artwork is always engaging.

. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite movies and I like the crazy characters and the unique universe. This artists interpretation of the Walrus is both refreshing and inspiring.

. M.C. Escher is one of my favorite artists and I like the compisition of this whole peice, from his precise lines to his mastery of form making.

. This Escher piece is interesting because of the symmetry, and complexity of the patterns.

. I am extremely influenced by things from my childhood. I like the way that the artist has reinvented icons from my past in a completely original way.

. Nature is a driving force behind a lot of my art, especially animals. They are the perfect subjects for me and I enjoy interpreting animals in my own way.

. Like I stated before I am heavily influenced by things from my past and I enjoy anything that conjures up old memories, be it art or not.

. Gandhi engages me for the simple fact that he was himself. This is inspiring to me because he reinvented himself to become one of the most influential and enlightened human beings. I try to incoperate his minimalist approach to everything in my life, especially my work.

. This is Vreni Michellini, and since I came to richmond she has been my unofficial mentor in the arts, helping me grow and open my mind to things I might not have before.